Service Providers

Collaborating to Empower and Support Survivors

The fight against human trafficking is a collaborative effort that requires the dedication and expertise of many individuals, agencies, and community organizations. Each service provider in our network brings a unique set of skills and services to address the needs of survivors, ranging from immediate necessities like housing and food to long-term support such as legal services, medical care, family reunification, and immigration relief. Learn more about our community of service providers and discover how they’re making a difference in the lives of victims and survivors across Washington State.

WARN is a coalition of organizations across Washington State that provides services to victims of human trafficking, including housing, food, medical and legal services, and case management. WARN also conducts outreach and education for service providers, law enforcement, and community members to increase victim identification. For more information, or to request training, please contact WARN.

API Chaya provides direct services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. API Chaya serves Asian and Pacific Islander community members, survivors, and their families. API Chaya grew out of organizing within the Filipino community in 1993 out of concern for the prevalence of violence against women in their community, including several murders of Asian Pacific women. API Chaya works with community groups to organize for justice and social change. They have served thousands of people and worked with dozens of community groups for community organizing and education regarding prevention of sexual and domestic violence, exploitation, and human trafficking.

Real Escape from the Sex Trade works to prevent those under 18 who are at-risk for entering prostitution, build relationships with girls and women actively in the sex trade through direct outreach, and offers trauma-informed, strengths-based case management, mentorship, long-term residential housing options (ages 18-24 single or with children), and soon a 24-hour emergency shelter (both of which have been specifically designed for those exploited for commercial sex).

OPS provides non-judgmental support to survivors of prostitution. OPS holds weekly drop-ins on Thursday afternoons and survivor-led support groups on Monday evenings for survivors of prostitution, in or out of the life. Email [email protected] for more information.

YouthCare provides programs and services for street-involved, runaway, homeless and at-risk youth. As part of YouthCare’s continuum of care, the Bridge Program opened its doors in 2010 to serve victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. This residential recovery program for prostituted youth provides wraparound services for estimated 20 young people, between the ages of 14 and 17, per year. The program delivers services in a highly structured environment, with activities designed to meet both the individual and collective needs of participants.

Cocoon House in Snohomish County provides shelter and housing options to homeless young people ages 12 – 17 years old, and can offer a variety of housing options or assistance with housing referrals for young adults ages 18 – 24. Young folks can also work with an Advocate or check out Cocoon House’s Drop-in Center to be connected with support, as well as education and employment opportunities.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center 24-Hour Hotline



Washington Anti-Trafficking Response Network Victim Assistance Line


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